Monday, October 27, 2008

Dunce of the Day (DOD) Monday, 10/27/08 Sen. Biden

You know . . . you can always recognize Sen. Biden. He's the one with the foot shaped mouth. First he asks a guy who's in a wheel chair to stand up. Now he can't even handle a question from a Florida news reporter.

If he gets flustered by a reporter question, how's he going handle a real crisis???

He's a dunce.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dunce of the Day (DOD)

My first Harangue is the Dunce of the Day award. It is awarded sometimes daily, sometimes not. The qualifications - It's very simple you see. It's my decision.

Our first award winner: Phil Alongi, Executive Producer of NBC News' Election Coverage

His network announced an alliance with ACORN to boost their election day coverage.

Ok so let me get this straight. ACORN is under investigation for voter fraud. You would think a new organization would think twice (at least) about getting in cahoots with this group. Yea- MSNBC and NBC should be proud. That's like getting Jack Daniels to sponsor a AA meeting.

Congratulations, Phil! You the big winner. (Wait by your mailbox please for your prize)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why the name "boomerharangue"?

1 : one that booms
2 : one that joins a rush of settlers to a boom area
3 : a transient worker (as a bridge builder)
4 : a person born during a baby boom : baby boomer


1 : a speech addressed to a public assembly
2 : a ranting speech or writing
3 : lecture

Ok so there may be ranting goes on here from time to time. I prefer to think of it as enlightened thinking and expression. Some of you might disagree with that assessment, but that's what makes America great.